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Sidebar WooCommerce Filters – Not Working

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  • #164681


    Hi there,

    Thanks for a great theme, just having some problems with product filters.

    We have setup a custom page to show product categories and brands (https://thamesandkosmos.devsite.review/) however we have the following problem with the filters:

    1 – The price slider has disappeared. It is inserted in the sidebar and show on the main shop page.
    2 – The Category and Brand filter just reload the same page with none of the filters applied.

    We have disabled AJAX but this doesn’t help. We need to use the custom page to get the layout we need.

    Any ideas?



    From which page the price slider get disappeared. You can share the screenshot of that section and also share the page URL of that specific page. Because your price slider shown just fine on inner pages like “https://thamesandkosmos.devsite.review/product-category/arts-crafts/”

    Your Category and Brand filter working just fine when I test your site. Kindly check back after clearing your site and browser cache.

    Screenshot for clarification : https://jmp.sh/1ktZm75

    Best Regards.



    Hi there,

    The URL is – https://thamesandkosmos.devsite.review/products/

    It is a custom product page and the price filter is not there and the Brand filter doesn’t direct to the shop pages to allow the filter to work.

    Any ideas would be great.



    Price filter does not shown on your custom page because that page does not contain products. To display the price filter on custom word press pages sidebar. You can use the “Product Filters” theme element with Wp-Bakery inside the HTML BLOCK and then you can add “Filter Price” element inside it and use that specific HTML BLOCK in your sidebar which you used for that custom page.

    Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/BE161We

    WooCommerce filters work only on the shop page and category pages. You cannot change that.
    You can use our filter element on your custom pages. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/create-filters-form/

    Best Regards.

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