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single product design

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  • #574917


    I am customizing the design of a single product and encountering some difficulties with the elements.


    1. In other projects where I used the WoodMart theme, the “wishlist button” element was available. However, this element is not present in this specific project.

    2. I want to have the product attributes in selection fields and the “Add to Cart” button. The only element I found is the “add to cart” which provides everything together and functions well. However, its appearance is quite restrictive. Ideally, I would like the attributes to be aligned horizontally, the quantity button not to have a circular shape, and the “Add to Cart” button to be positioned below on its own. (edited)


    Luke Nielsen


    1. Send me access to that specific project so I can check whether that element persists or not.

    2. But the attributes are aligned horizontally and “Add to cart” is positioned below.


    As for the quantity, it looks like hidden on the side, could you please enable it so I can check the appearance?

    Kind Regards




    1. I attached the credentials

    2. Basically, I need the size and the color to be in the same line


    Luke Nielsen


    1. Looks like you use the Elementor templates for the product page. The “wishlist button” element is available for our Layout builder – https://prnt.sc/EEj_y48D7XoC

    2. You can try to use the code below for help:

    .single-product .variations tbody {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;
        flex-wrap: wrap;


    Kind Regards

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