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Single product layout error

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  • #368894


    when I create a new single product layout and include a product category in the conditions, I can’t edit my product anymore. When I want to edit my product with elementor, I have an error message “Sorry, the content area was not found in your page. You must call the_content function in the current template, in order for Elementor to work on this page.”
    When I disable the single product category in the conditions, it works again.

    What can I do ?

    (sorry for my english)



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please deactivate all the plugins except these ones:

    Slider Revolution
    WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor
    Woodmart Core
    Contact Form 7
    MailChimp for WordPress
    Safe SVG

    If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    In case, the problem remains, even after all the plugins are deactivated, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area) and confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, switching to the parent or default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, however, the site would be without plugins for 15-20 min. You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards




    the problem is the same even if I deactivate the plugins. I write all informations into the private content block.

    Thank you



    I have added Compare to test if the product can be edited https://gyazo.com/11c162fd1e1eab8da1875798d716ce34 I see this button on the product page: https://gyazo.com/ade9fe7612aede9541f28b8cdb298ce7

    I also tried to add content to the product description by editing the product itself: https://gyazo.com/488e6b90c147aad4ea07d091064ddaba as you can see there is no problem.

    Could you kindly describe your actions step by step to reproduce the problem?

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your answer. The layout I want to use is “Bougies seules” and “Bougies kit”. I think it doesn’t work when I remove the description tab and the review tab. I didn’t removed it in the layout you have tried.
    I just changed the conditions and when I try to use the good layout, it doesn’t work anymore.

    I removed the tabs in the layout you have checked, changed conditions and tried to edit my product again and it doesn’t work as you can see in the screenshots.

    How can I do to remove the tabs and edit my product again?

    Sorry for my english. Thanks

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    The categories these layouts are assigned to, are empty and I cannot check the layout on the product, at the same time I added the widget: https://gyazo.com/370e6f90c246f99ad91254949b774d14

    If you still cannot add anything, let me know what widget you want to add and where

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    The product you tried to edit is not a real product and I changed the layout conditions to test.
    As I told you before, I want to use the layouts “Bougie seules” and “Bougies kit” who correspond to the categories with the same name. If I choose the good category of products in the conditions, I can’t edit my products anymore.



    You need to set this configuration in the Tabs element: https://gyazo.com/e423715572acabae3d7ef4ea29359190

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I think you don’t understand my problem. I just want to disable the product tabs (description and reviews) on my products pages. But if I do it in the single product layout that I wanna use, I can’t edit my products of the category (chosen in the conditions of the layout) anymore.
    I created my topic already 5 days ago and I really need to work but you don’t help me at all.



    Description – is the main description on the product page. If you clean the product description it would disappear.

    Reviews are disabled in the Woocommerce > Settings > Product.

    Additional tab (with the attributes) enter each attribute in the product page and disable showing on the product page to hide the tab.

    Additional tab (Shipping information) You can edit it in the Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs > Additional tab Clean all the content.

    Best Regards



    Thank you


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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