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single variation

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  • #595439


    Hello, there is a feature in the panel that allows product variations to be displayed as separate products. However, I only want color variations to be shown as separate products. I do not want different sizes of the same product, such as 5 different sizes, to be shown as separate products. Can you help with this?


    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry to say but right now there is no option in Theme Settings available for that. It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations.

    Kind Regards



    Hello, this issue is very important to us. When we turn on the single variation option, a very bad view emerges. We have bad experience for customers. I would be very happy if you could share code that we can apply on the subject.


    Luke Nielsen


    At the moment we don’t have a ready-made solution, but we have a”hide” button for the variation (https://take.ms/kjhCq), maybe it will help you in solving your problem.

    Also, you can leave a future request here – https://woodmart.canny.io/feature-requests so our developers will consider that.

    Kind Regards

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