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Single variation + Quick view popup

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  • #581984



    We have enabled these options in theme settings:

    Show single variation
    Show variations on quick view

    The problem is that when you click on “View details” inside the quick view popup, it opens a product page without a selected variation. For example, it opens /product/dress/ instead of /product/dress/?attribute_pa_size=small

    It would make more sense if it opened the page with variations already selected (just like it does when clicking any product in the shop page).

    Could you provide a solution to this?


    Luke Nielsen


    Checked it and it seems to work well on your side – https://gyazo.com/3aec973c221996be21bf02bb1ce4090f

    Let me know if you have sorted it out or if I missed something.

    Kind Regards



    Yes, this part works fine. But when you click on VIEW DETAILS inside this popup, it redirects to the product page without the pre-selected variation.

    For example, it would now open URL /product/dress/
    While it should actually open /product/dress/?attribute_pa_size=small

    Please check again and click on VIEW DETAILS to see the behaviour.

    Thank you!


    Luke Nielsen


    Okay, understood. The thing is when you click on the “View Details” button it redirects you to the parent product – https://prnt.sc/EGBbg3LBrYSe, that is why there is no selected variation.

    For now, there is no way to change it, It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    You can leave here https://woodmart.canny.io/feature-requests a future request so our developers consider it.

    Kind Regards


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