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Site resolution

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  • #127538


    I want to reduce the site resolution, how can I do this?



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please clarify your question. What do you mean?

    Best Regards



    I will explain this in a simple way ..
    Now when I go to the site I feel like the site is zoomed in, I want to zoom out a little bit … that means that all the content on the site will decrease a bit …
    For example: when you enter a site you can (in Windows) push on Ctrl and roll the mouse back and forth and play with the zoom …
    I want a site to be a little smaller.



    that means that all the content on the site will be smaller a bit ****



    There is no option which would allow changing the view.

    You can do it by changing the site width in the Theme Settings > General layout > choose custom and set the width as per your needs.

    Then you can build the blocks with a smaller size, smaller images and set the smaller font-size in the Theme Settings > Typography

    Best Regards



    I got the same problem the whole site looks zoomed in too much.
    Also the pop up box element on image hotspot, featured image in single page post, etc…

    “You can do it by changing the site width in the Theme Settings > General layout > choose custom and set the width as per your needs.”

    This custom option does nothing for me…
    Thank you,

    I’ve also tried using

    base, .post-single-page .entry-content{
    max-width: 800px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

    Which works but not for the all elements shuch as imagehotspot popup box and others.

    Can we expect some solution on this matter ?



    Thank you for sharing your experience and information.

    Best Regards

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