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Site very slow

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  • #267987


    My website is very very slow.
    I have installed wp rocket plugin, optimized images, generated only required css, removed slider revolution but still the site is too slow.
    i have removed dummy contents too but i couldnot find from where these two images are being requested https://prnt.sc/101jvqk

    Please check if there is any additional problems. the login details are attached.



    In general, our theme is already optimized and doesn’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images or other resources. So we suggest you to remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like Better WordPress Minify and a caching plugin like WP Super Cache. Also, you can use GTmetrix tool to see what makes your website slow and optimize these parts of your website.

    Xtemos Studios.



    They will not admit that anything is wrong with their theme. They say they have good support but it’s not. Everybody has the issue with slow loading. Even this website (xtemos.com) is VERY slow. Also, their responses are usually useless. Check the PageSpeed insights by Google for this website: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fxtemos.com%2F&tab=mobile. Unless it’s a very easy fix for them, they will not even try to help you. Just send you things from their documentation. 1/10 support. 1/10 company.


    Artem Temos

    Hello @freddymcbob,

    Our main website is not built with our theme and doesn’t have any optimization fixes. We are working on a new version of our website that will be optimized for performance. You can also check our other website with themes and see its performance https://space.xtemos.com/
    If you have any problems with your website speed, please, create a topic and we will check this for you and do our best to help you.

    Kind Regards



    Hi @admin,

    I can see that you are using the Woodmart theme. I can even tell that you’re using the Woodmart child theme. At the very least, name your active theme something else so it wouldn’t be so easy for me to find out.

    Even WP Theme Detector knows this website is running on Woodmart: https://prnt.sc/10385h0

    Yes, your new space themes section does have a very good score, but space.xtemos.com is not running on Woodmart. This website is, which proves that you did not build this theme with speed in mind. If even the creators of this theme cannot make it fast, no one else could.

    space.xtemos.com is running on the theme “Space” which you do not sell anywhere.


    Artem Temos


    Yes, but it is WoodMart 1.0 and the website was built on a beta version of the theme more than five years ago even before releasing the real WoodMart version. So if you see the folder name it doesn’t mean that it is built with a real WoodMart theme.

    So don’t worry, we are working hard on our WoodMart optimization. We will release a new 6.0 update where we will reduce our CSS and JS by 20-40% and improve all JS initialization scripts performance by 50%. If you have any additional requests regarding our theme performance or have ideas that we may implement in our theme, we would be glad to hear them and consider them for our future update.

    Thank you in advance.



    I’m glad to hear that you’re releasing an update that will address much of the slowness. I highly recommend offering compatibility with Autoptimize, or maybe Hummingbird, but Autoptimize would be better, considering its popularity.


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for your suggestions. We will consider them for our future updates as well.

    Kind Regards

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