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Slide content doesnt update

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  • #122999


    Hello! Could you please check whats happen with my slider Best Seller? I made same changes but doesnt appears my changes on front page. I also cant link the button add to cart.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Slider: I have changed the price from 240 to 241 https://gyazo.com/cece16f702a8fa8a9321397aad502894 and I see the changes http://prntscr.com/nmp74r

    Please describe what actions to take to reproduce the problem.

    We have not tested the plugin and cannot give you 100% of compatibility and smooth working.

    Best Regards



    Hello! Im sorry but i dont understand what you want to show me. What plugin and what “Best Seller 2”? Ive only the slide “Best Seller” and like you could see in attatch the changes that i made are not on the slide on front page – i also clean the cache. Theres no explanation to have default photos of this slide after i change all the pictures and content.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please have a look at the screen http://prntscr.com/no92cq

    Enter each slide and change the images and content https://gyazo.com/084dbe922e2bbd21887b67a65a98c265

    Best Regards

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