Hi, Why is the slider loading in the end? It looks really bad. Is it happening for a script? I want the slider to load first as it’s the first row of my homepage. Visit mreego.com
All sliders and their JS scripts are initialized after the document and all content are loaded. So the heavier the page, the longer the loading time. It is how all sliders work including Slider Revolution that is the most popular for WordPress. The best solution here is to optimize your website as much as possible. And then you will not see such a delay in slider loading.
Yes. I will optimize the images later. But there are JavaScript issues as well. The page loading is not clean somehow. (To hide this I am using preloader.) The header lags often (When scrolling upwards with speed). Kindly, look into the JavaScript files and try to optimize them if possible in near future update. Would be very nice if you could use React or Webpack as well. Thank you!