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slider translation

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  • #314356


    I set some theme slider(not revolution) by wpml.
    It set pic then use Elementor to add some button.
    I set total 3 sliders at main Language.(1,2,3)
    when I add second Language to 1 slider, it will become 4 slider.



    You need to create as many sliders as translations as you have and set the appropriate sliders in each translation.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    show on Attachments:

    3 sliders for each Language.

    but it shows 6 on the page slider in private link.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    You need to create the sliders in the default language. Most likely it shows the slides but not the slider.

    Best Regards



    I don’t understand
    Any document ?
    Can you tell me step by step.

    I have set
    Default language 3 sliders (1.2.3)
    Second language 3 sliders(translate from 1.2.3)
    But it shows 6 slider at default language (



    You need to create 3 sliders in the default language without WPML.

    The full documentation on how to create the slider with the detailed instruction and screens is provided here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/woodmart-slider/

    So, you have 3 absolutely equal sliders, then you change the content in each of them: one – one language, the second slider should have the content in another language, and the third slider in the same way.

    Then you go to the page where you have this slider. You translate this page as you usually translate any page in WPML and replace the slider accordingly, for example, you apply the English content slider in the English translation of the page, German translation in the German translation and so on.

    If you still need help. let me know.

    Best Regards



    the steps you teached me, is what I did. but it still show six slider in default language.



    Please provide your site admin access, page URL where you apply the slider and the slider titles you created for these pages.

    Best Regards




    Please provide your site admin access, page URL where you apply the slider and the slider titles you created for these pages.

    Best Regards

    ——> on private content



    You have created 3 changing slides. And your site has only one slider: https://gyazo.com/439e59efbca6bf6cea4673f7d523b797

    Please create 3 sliders in the Dashboard > Sides > Slider as shown: https://gyazo.com/303ee61c4198d65d9a7864e8e4932645 Here is the instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/woodmart-slider/how-to-create-a-slider/

    Then created slides to each slider and https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/woodmart-slider/add-slides-slider/

    As the result, you need to see three different sliders here https://gyazo.com/439e59efbca6bf6cea4673f7d523b797 and then you chose the appropriate one for each language.

    Best Regards

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