Homepage and other pages seems to run fast enough, however shop page is horribly slow. From your demo it seemed to be fast theme, thats why I bought it. What could cause It? I have tried to minify, cleared caches etc. Server seems to have slow response time.
I’ve done that. All not theme related plugins are turned off. Overall page loads fine in 2-3 secs, which is fine, but shop pages etc seems to load 2-3x slower..
Alright, it seems to be better now. Thank you! However something is still slowing down shop page, as it isn’t so fast as yours demo. Sometimes loading category page for 5 seconds.
Hi, thank you for quick responses. I tried to page speed with google pagespeed insight and It has too many render blocking resources – is there any way to remove them? I tried also woodmart demo page and It has way less render blocking resources..