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small promotion for Afterpay, and/or Klarna

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  • #542524


    Hi the klarna/after pay logo is not showing on single product page but I have seen it works for others on this support. I have troubleshooted and its no plugin conflict and works when I change to default theme. how to make show please?

    works as it comes up at checkout etc just not on product page when theme is activated.

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    Hung Pham

    Hi x7corp,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    According to the screenshot, it looks like you’re using Custom WooCommerce layout from WoodMart.

    If so, WoodMart has a special widget called Hook in Elementor that you can place to your custom layout and then the plugin will be able to add its custom content there. But I don’t know which one exactly it needs. You can either try to select all hooks one by one or contact plugin developers for help.

    Please note that we do not give a guarantee for full theme compatibility with all existing 3rd party plugins. Sometimes, not always, you need additionally customize the theme or plugin to make them work together. Unfortunately, it’s not possible for the author to make the theme compatible with all the existing plugins and additional customization is outside the scope of our basic support.




    Hey @x7corp Did The Solution Work?

    Please Let me Know i also want to add this function on my device



    Hi @nexoraretail Yes I managed to make it work the woocommerce hook is: woocommerce_single_product_summary

    Only issue is now if you try to edit the single product page with elementor you get a error so you have to deactivate woopayments to access and edit which is annoying.

    **I will include Error for support to look at and see if they have a fix for this.


    Hung Pham

    Hi x7corp,

    According to the error message, it seems related to WooCommerce Payments plugin.

    I kindly request you to conduct a check by activating the default WordPress Theme, such as Storefront or Twenty Twenty-Three (Appearance > Themes). This is to ascertain whether the issue you are experiencing is due to our theme or not.




    Hi Pham,

    I have checked with the storefront theme and edit with elementor works fine. issue is with theme.


    Hung Pham

    Hi x7corp,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please create your own topic and provide me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns in a more efficient.




    Hi Pham, This is my topic. I have put a temp login in private content, thanks.


    Hung Pham

    Hi x7corp,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    I keep WooPayment plugin activated and Elementor loaded well https://prnt.sc/xUTS_tTw3xXE

    Did you resolve the issue? Please confirm me back.




    I do not understand how the issue has resolved itself to be honest.


    Hung Pham

    Hi x7corp,

    Glad to hear your issue has been resolved. Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we’re always here to help!


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