Provided instruction is about mixed content and I need help with social links rel attributes such as “noopener” and “noreferrer”.
In your template files, I found the following piece of code where social links are displayed:
<?php if ( ( $type == 'share' && woodmart_get_opt('share_fb') ) || ( $type == 'follow' && woodmart_get_opt( 'fb_link' ) != '')): ?>
<a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo 'follow' === $type ? esc_url(woodmart_get_opt( 'fb_link' )) : '' . $page_link; ?>" target="<?php echo esc_attr( $target ); ?>" class="<?php if( $tooltip == " yes" ) echo 'woodmart-tooltip' ; ?> woodmart-social-icon social-facebook">
<span class="woodmart-social-icon-name">
<?php esc_html_e('Facebook', 'woodmart') ?>
<?php endif ?>
And in this code I found only this rel attribute rel=”nofollow” but must be like this rel=”nofollow noopener noreferrer”.
How can I add this two attributes to this links?