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Social login and GDPR

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  • #55154


    Hi there,
    a not simple and not funny question for you! 🙂
    As GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation- Reg. EU 2016/679) will be soon in force, I’d like to know if you are going to make the social login module compliant to its rules.
    In my site I’ll do massive use of social login, and I’ll not permit a “real” registration, but only logging in from social profiles.
    However, when a user logs in from your social login buttons his email is stored in sites DB. I believe, but I’m not a EU regulations lawyer, that it would be opportune to implement a text box (containing customizable text) and a checkbox that when flagged enables the FBlogin button. I did’nt find so much stuff about it, but here you can read a lawyer opinion.



    Artem Temos


    Do you mean to add a confirmation checkbox (for example “I agree that Facebook-Connect automatically transmits and uses data to the site operator regarding my publicly marked profile details…”)?




    yes of course, something like that. The important fact is that there is a sort of validation: no checkbox flagged? -> no login’s button clickable! Or something similar, you are of course better UX designer than me. I believe that for sure the warning text should be customizable, in theme’s settings or at least by string translation.
    Unfortunately, the adaptation of the sites to the new EU legislation will be invasive and complicated. Site managers / developers should verify that EACH plugin (and themes too, I suppose) are compatible with the regulation. I believe that as is, due to the fact that the login process stores users email in DB without any warning, the integration between BF apps and your theme’s social login module doesn’t fit new EU rules and will be not usable. Fixing this issue with social login module will be over the skills of so many theme’s users, so I asked your help. And your quick and professional reply came as usual. 🙂



    Artem Temos


    OK, thank you. We will definitely add this option in our future updates.



    Be aware that the GDPR will be effective from next 28th of may.

    Best Regards,

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