Home Forums WoodMart support forum Sold Out banner turn off CSS is doesnt work

Sold Out banner turn off CSS is doesnt work

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  • #646181


    Hi, I wanted to turn of the “sold out” banner on the product card, as I have many variated products, in my shop and the amount of available variations doesn’t sum automatically to the total amount of the variated products.
    I have added the custom CSS by your reccomendation but it’s not working.
    Looking forward to your support.



    Please navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Product Styles and disable the “Stock Progress Bar” option. Then, check if the issue is resolved.

    If the issue persists, please share a screenshot of the sold-out banner you want to remove along with the page URL so I can review it and provide a possible solution.

    Best Regards,



    Please find the screenshot and the link.
    I need to remove the “WYPRZEDANO” banner from de product card.

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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .product-labels .product-label.out-of-stock {
        display: none;

    Best Regards,

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