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Some annoying brur effects

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  • #123333



    I find some anoying blur effects around and most of them i have fixed with custom css. Now i also found it in the quick view popup at the very bottom of product summary, see the attached image.

    This appear depending on the height of content in the product summary, seems like there is no bottom margin. I can fix it with a margin on the social share buttons but this is not a good solution as i have some products with ie. text, buttons etc. below share buttons.

    Any fix for this?


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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    This code would remove the blur:

    body .popup-quick-view .entry-summary{
    	mask-image: none;

    and this would make the color bright:

    body .product-quick-view .woodmart-social-icon {

    Best Regards



    Thank you, actually i should have remembered that as i did the same fix on carousels.
    Another question, and hopefully my last before i launch theme in my live site.

    Is it possible to move the image and the view details button upwards to get rid of the ugly empty space above image as seen in the attached image?

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    Please check your image size and image size configuration https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/image-size-content-alignment-product-grid/

    Please have a look at our demo, there is no any space http://prntscr.com/nno0d6

    Best Regards




    Well, that is a big problem with many theme developers, they do not understand that some stores need to use landscape images. Square images will ofcourse fit to the popup but bad if shared on facebook.

    Most of my images is sized to perfectly fit with facebook ads and google shopping ads.

    Check out your demos and try to share some products on facebook, most of them is cut off top and bottom.




    This is not the theme issue. This is the issue of Woocommerce that is why you face the same problem regardless of the theme.

    There is a way out. Free Yoast Seo plugin provides the option to upload a separate image for Facebook. Please consider this plugin.

    Best Regards




    My old theme developer did understand this problem related to square and landscape image and made a fix for that but it should take 6 months before they understood it. Ofcourse most often the problem with images and share options, facebook ads, google ads etc. is how the shop admin setup their image sizes and prepares the images for all this. But then again shop admin need to relay on theme and that it properly can handle and display nice design of both square and landscape images. It is not a woocommerce problem that woodmart do not properly handle the different image sizes.

    Yoast SEO plugin does not handle the different product images and you can only add 1 basic image which will be loaded if facebook can not load other images from post, pages or products.

    Sorry, but i have been in this business for more than 20 years and developed many plugins for woocommerce, themes and other plattforms.



    Artem Temos


    Our theme works well both with landscape and portrait images. You can try to change quick view design in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Quick view https://gyazo.com/d5c81a386c1cc7f483b5df72afe63bfd




    Actually it does but issue has been fixed which means it now works perfect with any image size in the quick view popup.

    See attached images.

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    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you fixed it.

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