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Some questions to view the page

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  • #357124


    i have 4 questions for you:

    1- I want Share Icons in Single Products Page to be in Original Color of the Icons and i used this code in global settings CSS, but didn’t work. (first screen shot)

    body.single .icons-design-default .woodmart-social-icon.social-facebook {
    body.single .icons-design-default .woodmart-social-icon.social-twitter {

    body.single .icons-design-default .woodmart-social-icon.social-whatsup {

    2nd question is :

    i want to change icons positions and icons orders in ajax tabs section like attachment page ,top right; wish items, add to chart and quick view. i cant see in edit page options

    3th a :

    In the shop page, I want to show the brand list as name only. I don’t want the logos to appear. In the widget settings, there is a “list” option in the layered nav. but it comes out with both the brand logo and the show text.

    4th and last one :

    How can I make the breadcrumbs list on the shop page appear as I have shown in the screenshot?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    1. Please use this selector, replace the class of the icon and color accordingly:

    body  .wd-social-icon.social-facebook span{

    2. You can choose the style in the AJAX tab settings of the element: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/products-element-grid-or-carousel/ Your site has horizontal icons, your screen show vertical. Please clarify: do you want to change the style or the order?

    3. You need to disable swatches in the Brand attribute items.

    4. Please check this manual: https://woocommerce.com/document/customise-the-woocommerce-breadcrumb/

    Best Regards



    thanks for replying

    1 – I checked other sites that use Woodmart. I saw that the icons can be created as attached. and they did it with the SVG option. do you know any way?
    2 – yes I want to change the style like the attachment below.
    3 – Sorry, I opened another topic for this. but you need an example for the setting you mentioned. I do not understand.
    4 – i was able to do it 🙂 thank you for your answers

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    By the way

    body .wd-social-icon.social-facebook span{

    this snippet also affects header logos



    2 – i found answer , im just select “caraousel” view. and done.

    I have only 2 questions now

    1 and 3



    1 – The answer to my question is HTML BLocks. I found a solution by creating a template from HTML Blocks. but it is insufficient for editing. For such cases it is better to go with elementor rather than WPBakery plugin.



    WoodMart works with either the WP Bakery builder or the Elementor builder at once, but not with both at the same time. In the process of installing the plugin, please install one builder plugin you are going to use. It is not possible to convert an existing site that is built on the WP Bakery Page Builder into Elementor. Page builder plugins are provided in Appearance -> Install plugins.

    1. You can try Inforbox widget supporting SVG icons.

    Best Regards

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