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  • #117794

    [email protected]


    I’ve seen other topics about the speed of woodmart and the answer is “our theme” is optimized. sadly, I’m also experiencing heavy load time when visiting our website. using an new generated css file enabling all the options in preformance. fixing all images reduce their kb size a CDN nothing has really improved it. the problem addressed by gtmetrix, pagespeed, yslow is to many scripts.

    is there a way to fix this or an option to disable scripts that where not using..

    google page speed also give a woodmart a 24 score. i know google is quite hard in this but with a 24 there must be something wrong imo.


    Artem Temos


    We just checked your website and see that you have 32 JS files loaded from external plugins and only one comes with our theme


    Also, you don’t use any caching plugins so we suggest you to do some basic optimization first and then check the performance with GTmetrix.



    [email protected]

    Hi Artem Temos,

    thx for your quick response. from a programmer standpoint i understand your comment. this kind of topics are not nice if you’re already put a lot of effort in optimization.
    if my hosting provider is telling the truth then we do use caching but this is built in the host. So an external plugin as super cache or w3 or wp rocket would not be needed.

    Flush cache button image

    Now about the external js files. A lot of these js files come from external plugins that woodmart addressed as needed or highly recommend like wp bakery or revolution slider. And we need these kind of extensions to make the website easy to use for our marketing department. So disabling that is not an option.
    Are these plugins bad? Or make the website extremely slow or is our problem from another source. What would you recommend in our case?


    Artem Temos

    We mean that files that come with our theme are already optimized. And we are not responsible for JS files that come with additional plugins. But anyway, all these plugins are installed on our demo and you can see that it works very fast. As for the cache plugin, it’s your choice to use it or not but we have WP Rocket on our demo and it works very well in terms of optimization.


    [email protected]

    all right. Maybe i addressed this in a bad way. im sorry for that. i just want a fast site with the woodmart theme. why woodmart because its a very flexible and great theme with lot of potential imo. I’ve worked with a lot of other premium themes like be theme, x , divi, avada, enfold, the7. Not one is fitting my needs as woodmart. So kuddo’s for that.

    Ill try wp rocket (already bought that) and hope for a better result. thx!


    Artem Temos

    OK, we hope that you will get a fast website built with WoodMart. Contact us when you will have any additional questions.

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