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Speed optimization

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  • #31819


    Hello, I’m contacting you to get more information about speed optimization. I have exactly the same plugins as you, my images are perfectly optimized, I also used WP Super Cache & Better WordPress Minify as in your demo, and yet my results are disappointing, could you tell me how to properly configure my Cache plugins and minification (or other tips?) Thank you very much, as already said in my opinion on Envato Market, your theme is simply the best I’ve seen so far! Have a good day 🙂


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for contacting our support center.

    We just tested your website and it loads very fast for us. We don’t see any performance issues on your home page for example. Its loading time is 2-3 seconds that is quite fast https://gyazo.com/157c2ed48f70b36358e5d2ef8033a47c
    The only one small problem on your home page is that some image returns 404 not found and you need to fix or remove it. https://gyazo.com/9c5ea500f2d31deba9d14d05efae5f2c

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Thank you very much for your answer ! Only the results I get on sites like Tool Pingdom or GtMetrix are bad compared to your.


    Artem Temos

    Strange, but when we test your website with Gtmetrix or pingdom we always get errors https://gyazo.com/4e7046c5aa01cdafec5e42525d3f5d1f



    yes I also have this problem since yesterday and yet the console Google developper does not indicate any error (and I have added no plug that those recommended by the theme)


    Artem Temos

    Strange, but we don’t know why these services don’t work for you.

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