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Split: Product Navigation Issue

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  • #239304



    Just noticed this problem myself. Is there still no official solution?

    I spent a few hours last night misunderstanding how a solution may work (won’t bore you with them but they were all promising, and all failed!) but eventually worked out how the exclusion field works.

    My hidden products use the taxonomy ID 86. So overriding the pluggable function woodmart_products_nav in the mu-plugins folder and adding 86 to that field (ie, get_next_post(false,86); ) works great and now my hidden items don’t show in the product next/prev.

    This is important because I am using product bundles and composite products, and without it shows items that should not be shown to customers but are needed to be part of bundles.

    Can you please add a field for exclusios in the back end page (Product Page -> Show/Hide Elements, under Products navigation) so we can enter the excluded terms ourselves here without having to override the woodmart_products_nav function. It will be very useful for people and save having to override a function which always runs the risk of problems with updates etc



    Artem Temos


    We have changed the way these arrows work in our latest update. Please, update your theme to the latest 5.3.3 version first.

    Kind Regards

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