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Split: Recently Viewed widget not working with page caching plugins like WPRocket

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  • #572652


    I still have this problem!
    I display recently viewed products using HTML block, via function.php – This is exactly what I need!
    What should I do?

    I use code:

    add_action('woodmart_woocommerce_after_sidebar', 'recived_prod', 30);
    function recived_prod() {
    $recived_products = do_shortcode( '[html_block id="11364"]' );
    if (strpos($recived_products, 'grid-columns-4') !== false) {
    echo $recived_products;

    I need it this way because I don’t want to use the mockup for the product! It’s raw!


    Artem Temos


    To assist you more effectively, could you please provide additional details regarding the issues you’re experiencing? Including screenshots and a step-by-step guide to reproduce the problem on your website would greatly aid us in diagnosing and resolving the issue.

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to assisting you further.

    Best regards,

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