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Square Box Behind Heart Logo

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  • #142683

    [email protected]

    I don’t like the square box that comes behind the icons when you hover ove the product image (like the heart for add to favosrites). See the attached picture for an example.
    Is there a way of making it a circle instead of a square? This would be much nicer.
    If not just removing it like on Basel&Co would be ok too.

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    To change the square box to the circle that comes behind the icons when you hover over the product image you have to insert the below css in Theme Settings >> CUSTOM CSS >> Global Custom CSS:

        border-radius: 100%;

    Result: https://screenshot.net/j07x4il

    Best Regards.


    [email protected]

    thank you


    Most welcome.

    For further queries, feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.
    Topic Closed.

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