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  • #116082


    Greetings, how do you get the categories drop down to stick to the slider like in your demo ??



    Please enter the page and enable the option Open categories menu – Always shows categories navigation on this page; https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/options-for-pages/

    Best Regards



    that didnt help at all guys , that setting is already ticked.

    im not sure if you understood correctly ….


    the drop down menu should be the same length as the bottom of the slider.

    and it should stick there. as it does on your demos.

    if i change the size of my page these two things don’t stick together for a second. the drop down will stay and the slider will change size



    Please provide the demo URL which you refer to. If you want the drop-down menu to be the same height as the slider, increase the height of the slider, First of all, enter the editing mode of the page where the Slider Revolution displayed. Check which one is used as shown here: http://prntscr.com/isshej

    Then find this slider in the Slider Revolution plugin as shown: http://prntscr.com/issi0h

    Finally edit the the height in the slider settings as shown here: http://prntscr.com/isyjfv

    Best Regards



    my slider and category are the same size, did you not check the link i gave you ? http://temp.thelanguagepeople.com.au

    but .. when you move the page size, drag fro corner etc (or i imagine if you where on a smaller screen)

    the slider changes size and the category drop down stays in same place.
    in any of your demos where the drop down is showing, it somewhat sticks to the slider



    Do you understand yet ? its the locking of the 2 elements im speaking about , not changing the slider.

    But as i said earlier we have padding code in our category drop down, maybe that has something to do with it ? im not sure



    Please provide the screenshot of the problem.

    Best Regards

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