– On mobile device: 1/ when user scroll down, hide the sticky header. 2/ when the user scroll up, show the sticky header.
– On every device: When the user clicks to sign in I would like to open the login form present in the sidebar (actually it opens my account page). See the screenshot for reference.
Sticky header is configured for both: scrolling down and scrolling up, there is no option to set different behavior.
You need to configure My Account links in this way: https://prnt.sc/so5266 then when a user clicks Login/Register in the header sidebar would not appear and user would get directly My account page.
1/ what can i do to change the header behavior? what is the solution?
2/ Login/register in, the sidebar is not showing and i want to show it, i do not want to redirect the user the My account page. Please go the URL that i send you and try to click on the link sign-in (refer to my last screenshot).