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Sticky menu on mobile

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  • #126346



    I try to have the 2 first rows sticky on mobile but I just can get the middle row sticky even if I check the 2 first rows as “sticky” and unchecked “hide on mobile”…

    Another question: some days ago you explained to me how to size down the height of the search form in the header but how can a also decrease its width (and only on desktop) ?

    Thanks for your help.




    1. You need to disable the Header clone https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/global-header-settings/ and make the necessary rows sticky https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/header-rows-columns-configuration/

    2. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Desktop:

    body .whb-column .woodmart-search-form input[type=text] {
        min-width: 200px;
    body .whb-column .woodmart-search-form {

    Best Regards



    OK thank you. BTW I have another request. Some weeks ago in another ticket I was asking you for the behavior of the add to cart button in the product page: lower its opacity and make it inactive until all necessary variations are selected. You told me that this feature was not included in the current theme version but that you would think about it for a future update.

    However I realize that the behavior I’m looking for is exactly the one of the “Update cart” button in the cart page when user wants to change quantity. So, since the code to make this button inactive is present in woodmart I was hopping that maybe you could explain me how to apply it to the add to cart button ? I would really appreciate it because I hate this white popup badly formatted informing customers that they must select all the options…

    Look, on mobile it says: http://wordpress.coklat-ibiza.com (obviously)
    Please select some product options before adding this product to the cart.

    And when there is 2 variations and you select none of them, the popup opens twice !! I would really need to change that it is really not user friendly.




    This is the Woocommerce functionality and our theme does not influence that, unfortunately.

    You will have to find a person who could customize the Woocoommerce for you as per your needs.

    Best regards



    I’m very disappointed by your answer because after some quick research on google I’ve found that my problem could be easily solved with just 3 lines of CSS (for those it may help):

    .woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart-disabled .single_add_to_cart_button {

    et voilà !

    So this is NOT a “Woocommerce functionality that your theme does not influence” it’s just an easy CSS configuration on the frontend.

    But do you really care ? My request was not so complicated after all…




    That is fine, you have solved the issue.

    Best Regards

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