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Sticky menu stays transparent after i used call to action menu item

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  • #111970


    Hi there,

    After i set one of my menu items as ‘call to action button=enabled’ my menu does not turn black anymore when i scroll down. It stays transparent. (I have header above the content=yes)

    After i set ‘call to action button=” “‘ the sticky menu stays transparent.
    I deleted cache, disabled all Settings of Autoptimize and w3 total cache.
    But for some reason .main-header.header-has-no-bg.color-scheme-light.act-scroll is not active anymore on my page when i scroll down..

    i can fix by adding this snippet to my custom CSS
    .main-header.header-has-no-bg.color-scheme-light.act-scroll {
    border: none;
    box-shadow: none;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);

    BUT, i very much prefer that my CSS works properly.

    Any idea what happened or what i should check? Maybe i made an mistake somewhere?



    I found and fixed it.
    I change : background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
    to : background-color: orange;
    and then back to
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
    now it works../??
    ticket can be closed. thanks



    ok, sorry. I found it.
    The problem was:
    when i selected a color at > theme options > header > appearance > header background
    the sticky menu stays transparant on the home page.

    Why do i select a color here?
    Because the header looks fine on every page. Accept for product pages.
    because the product page header is completely transparent, you can’t read the white menu texts.

    So what i need is, a header/menu on the product page with a black background.



    í created the black background of the menu/header on the product page by adding this snippet:
    .header-categories, .header-simple {
    background: black;
    I still think it strange that if you set the background color in the Theme settings, you keep the transparency in the sticky menu on other pages.

    anyway, my ultimate wish would be the same request as from this ticket:

    And of course with a menu that has a white background/black font for the product pages (both sticky and normal)



    Please provide your site admin access so that we could check the settings.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,
    Sorry for my late resonse. I added credentials for admin access.
    As mentioned before. I used the header background color (theme options > header > appearance > header background) because on the single product page i would like to have a black bg menu.
    But selecting a header bg color caused al the sticky menu te be transparent.
    Now i solved this with a Snippet. But I think this should work without my snippet…




    Remove or comment snippet so that I could check the settings.

    Best Regards



    I just disabled the snippet and set the I selected a color at > theme options > header > appearance > header background
    Now the sticky meny stays transparent again. (except on the product page)



    Your header has a gradient in styles.

    Please clean the cache https://gyazo.com/b195a7aeadff1d2a255a2115217715b7

    If it does not help, deactivate the plugins not related to the theme.

    Best Regards

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