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Strange 404 on Contact Us page

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  • #535546


    Hey guys,

    My contact us page is a 404 and it’s very strange.
    URL: https://www.wayandfarer.com/about/contact/

    I work in SEO, so I deal with 404s all of the time, but I can’t fix this and hoping you can help.

    I’ve checked the page, it’s active and published – there’s been no changes to this page, the URL or the parent folder in a long time, but it’s just become an error and nothing I can do will help. I’ve even changed the URL, added a redirect, cleared the cache etc etc, nothing worked, so I reverted back, still no luck.

    Are you able to please assist?

    Thanks, Guy



    Hey guys,
    I’ve just gone to the WP Bakery Front End Editor on the contact page and I’m getting the following error – I’ve never seen this before. Maybe it’ll help figure out what’s wrong :/

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Sorry for another update – just trying to give you info..

    I’ve noticed another page as a 404 too, with the same issue.. – it’s also a sub folder of /about/

    …but then a sub folder of the above is showing as a 200 :/




    404 errors usually occur when you have removed certain pages from your website and haven’t redirected them to your live pages. Sometimes, these errors may also occur when you have changed a URL of a specific page.

    Please check this manual and configure:

    Best Regards.



    Thanks for your response. That didn’t help, unfortunately.

    As you would have seen in my messages – I have a lot of experience with 404s, but this is different. It’s an error caused by something else. The URL has not changed, nothing else has changed. The pages have been the same for a long, long time and just became a 404.

    The pages still exist in WP, but please see the screen shot I shared as there is a strange error message.

    Do you know what else it may be? If not, shall I change themes?



    Can you please share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and give you a possible solution?

    Best Regards.



    Thanks a lot, man. I was trying not to bother you guys, but you’ll see it’s super strange when you get in there and take a look – I have no idea what’s going on :p

    Much appreciated. Logins are below in the private section.



    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?

    Best Regards.

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