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Structured data shows short description

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  • #369450


    Structured data shows the short description instead of the main description
    I want the main description to be the approved one, not the short description
    picture for clarification




    Please check how it works with the default wordpress theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not.

    Best Regards



    Hi, I have activated the default WordPress theme
    The same shows the short description is the default!
    I used another product page
    I tried to delete the description written in the short description (I made the short description empty)
    The final result
    If the product has a short description, the regulatory data uses the short description and makes it the default description and leaves the main description
    Please see the picture in the link
    Here is the test result after deleting the short description

    What is the solution from your point of view so that the main description is always the default description



    As it works the same with the default wordpress theme which clears that the issue is not from our theme.

    Sorry but we could not help you with this as the products are woocommerce functionality and our theme doesn’t influence.

    Best Regards

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