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Stylized category description

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    In the section Product > Categories I would like to create descriptions for some categories which will be placed at the top of the shop page. Descriptions should consist of the page title and category description itself.

    By filling the “Description” text area I can get the result as in the image description-1.png.

    Unfortunately, I can’t see a way to add stylized text as in the case of “Extra description”. This stylized text area is exactly what I need with the only difference being that it places the category description at the bottom of the shop page, not at the top.

    Possible workaround is to create a HTML block for every category, but this solution I don’t consider practical because of creating multiple HTML blocks.

    To sum it up I need to place category description at the top of the shop page in the same way as “Extra description” is added – not by HTML blocks or by a basic “Description” text area (image description-2.png).

    Do you have any suggestions?

    Best Regards

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by atpd23.
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    If you will share the category page URL where you have added the description so I will give you the custom CSS code to make the same style.

    Best Regards.




    Please see my webpage.

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by atpd23.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by atpd23.


    Sorry to say but your Site is currently on Maintenance mode, so we are unable to preview the Category page.

    Can you please provide valid WP-ADMIN Login details of your Site in the below-listed format on which you are facing the issue so that we can look after the mentioned issue on your Site and assist you accordingly?


    Best Regards.




    I am sorry, please see the login information in the private content.

    Best Regards



    Sorry to say but we are still not able to access the WP-ADMIN on your Site. If we are trying with wp-login.php so it seems that there is some Restriction from your Server end might be which is why we are unable to access your Site. Can you please once check if there are any and remove them and then mention us so that we can proceed further with this.

    Best Regards




    Please can you try now if it’s working?

    Best Regards



    Sorry to say but we are still unable to proceed further on your Site. It is showing this when we try to access the WP-ADMIN: https://ibb.co/bRxXvgg

    Just to let you know, we are accessing your Site from Pakistan. So, you would need to whitelist the whole Pakistan from your Server end so that we can be able to access your Site’s WP-ADMIN.

    Best Regards.




    I am sorry for it, I didn’t notice there is another layer of protection. Now it should be OK.

    Best Regards



    Firstly, your WoodMart Theme isn’t updated to the latest version which is 7.0.3. So, try updating that.

    Secondly, regarding the Styling concern of the main Category Description, the thing is the main Category Description doesn’t support Rich Text Editor right now that’s why it reads out all the Text added in it as a Single Paragraph tag. So, if we try to apply the Styling on that, then it would be applied overall on the Text. It can’t be applied specifically on specific Text due to the non-availability of Rich Text Editor here.

    So, in general for styling right now the following CSS has been applied on your Site under the Dashboard >> Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS:

    .term-description p {
        color: #242424 !important;
        font-weight: 600 !important;
        font-size: 1.5em !important;

    Here is the result after that: https://ibb.co/bsnXLng

    Best Regards.




    Thank you very much for your help. I would like to ask you, is it possible to move “Extra description” in Product > Categories at the top of the product archive page? It adds an extra category description, but not at the top of the page but at the bottom. Also it supports Rich Text Editor and I think this feature was developed by WoodMart developers. If it would be possible to move at the top of a product archive page, I could use Extra description’s Rich Text Editor for category descriptions rather than the basic one called “Description”.

    Best Regards



    You can change the category description position easily from Theme Settings >> Product Archive >> https://ibb.co/WFXFY0L

    Best Regards.




    You have sent me instructions how to move category description, not category extra description (please see the attached image). Could I ask you for a snippet to move extra description before the product grid?

    Best Regards

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    We apologize for the earlier misunderstanding but sorry to say, as you know there isn’t an option available to move the Extra Description to top at the Description area because these things are integrated under the Theme files by default.

    Although, you can try out the following Custom CSS on your Site and see if this works out for you:

    .tax-product_cat .shop-content-area {
        margin-top: 5em !important;
    .tax-product_cat .wd-term-desc {
        margin-top: -40.5em !important;

    Location to paste the Custom CSS, please go to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Custom CSS for desktop > there paste the above CSS.

    Best Regards.




    there isn’t an option available to move the Extra Description to top at the Description area

    Thank you for explanation, maybe if possible you can consider it as a new feature. I have noticed someone already mentioned it in the features list.

    Unfortunately the code isn’t working, you can see the result in the attached image.

    Best Regards

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    Thanks for sharing the suggestion/feature request with us, I am forwarding this to our development department for considering to add it in the theme, but I am not giving you a guarantee for that because please note that a theme cannot satisfy all requirements as it may occur theme heaviness. Sometimes it may require your own customization. So if the development department finds it fit with the theme environment then surely they will look through it.

    Thanks for your understanding.




    Thank you, I understand, it is only a suggestion.

    Could I know what to do with that code if it isn’t working? Please see the previous answer, specifically the second part of it.

    Best Regards



    We had given you the code as an additional alternative if it works out then you can use that if not then you can ignore that because it was a tried effort through CSS to adjust the position of the Content but we managed to find further that it is not an acceptable one right now with the other Content positioning.

    So, we would suggest you to please ignore that for the time being.

    Note: Just to notify you that your WoodMart Theme is not updated to the latest version which is 7.0.3. Kindly, update that too.

    If you need any further assistance you can contact us anytime.

    Best Regards




    I have uploaded the theme to the newest version, but the code still doesn’t work.

    Best Regards

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    Sorry to say but as we mentioned to you earlier, that the CSS that we gave was just to be tried as an alternative. If it works, you can get along with that. If not then kindly ignore that because the CSS in this regard is not the best solution due to the fact that the position of the other Content on the respective Page will get messed up.

    So, we have confirmed now that this CSS is not the best solution here. You can safely ignore that right now.

    We have comment-out our provided CSS on your Site.

    Best Regards.




    Ou I understand now, thank you for the explanation. And what is another way to make it working if that CSS doesn’t work?

    Best Regards



    Sorry to say but unfortunately right now there isn’t an option available under the Theme Settings to move the Extra Description to the Main Description area. It would require Customization in the Theme files to do that which is out of our Theme Support Policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations in this regard.

    Best Regards.

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