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subcategories in mobile

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  • #332543


    HI, I`m not able to click in mobile to subcategories! how to solve that?



    Please, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, switching to the parent theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, however, the site would be without plugins for 15-20 min. You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards



    I made back up. yes, I confirm, please do some thng so that we can use subcategories! an please let me know what was the problem! thank you



    Mobile view does not support megamenu blocks. You need to create a separate product category menu without a mega menu, you can create a multy-level menu, but without a megamenu.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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