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Subcategory menu height in Categories Menu header

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  • #254647


    If you limit the number of categories in the menu, then when you expand the entire menu, you cannot go to the submenu. Since the submenu height lags behind the previous one and does not adapt to the new height.

    How to make the height normal so that you can move the mouse cursor to the expanded submenu?

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    This is the way a mega menu block is shown: no matter if you limit the categories or do not, the block goes to the top so that all the content could be visible.

    You can view our demo, it does not have any limits and it is shown in the same way.

    Best Regards



    I have not found a demo with a limited category menu. It seems to me that we did not understand each other.

    If you do not limit the number of categories, then the mega menu block is the same height as the category menu. Screenshot_4
    If the menu of categories is limited, then the mega menu block becomes the height equal to the number of limited categories. And when all categories are expanded, the mega menu does not change the height. Screenshot_5, Screenshot_6.

    If I need to go to the lowest category menu, then from it I cannot go to the mega menu block, since it closes immediately. The mouse cursor does not have time to move, since it is high.

    How can you move the mouse cursor from the lowest menu category to the mega menu in order to click on a product? Screenshot_7

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    Sorry for the delay.

    We have double checked and we shall fix that in the nearest update.

    Best Regards



    fixed in theme version 6


    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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