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Subcategory product list slow loading/everything else loads perfect

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    I am usinf WP rocket in my site. Almost everything works fast and fine- as it should be. But there is one problem, which I suppose could be answered by You..

    Problem description:

    Pages-> loads fast

    Product parent category-> products loads fast.

    Product parent category-> subcategories loads fast

    !!!!!Category->subcategory-> product list loads slow. (this happens with all the subcategory products in all menu)

    Category->subcategory-> product list->products loads fast. And You can go back and further to the list and everything loads fast (doesn’t matter if You use breadcrumbs or back arrow)

    The google page speed for subcategories shows almost perfect speed results (differs from subcategory, mostly near to 100), but subcategory products takes long time to load in real life..

    How to get subcategory products load as fast as products which have just parent category and no subcategory? Subcategory products are most important in this site and there will be added more of them… If it is important, then many of them have variations as well.

    Problem can be seen in mobile and desktop, tried on different devices and internet providers. Sending You the link to subcategories. When You will click on any of the subcategories to check the products, You should see the problem.

    P.s. I have other site, which is using Your theme and WP rocket with the exact same settings. No problem there..

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    Please check how it works with the default WordPress theme and Woocommerce Storefront theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not. Also, please check the site with our theme but only with the theme default plugins activate, and deactivate all the 3rd party plugins from the site.

    If it works fine with the default WordPress theme then let me know so I will check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards



    Thanks, Aizaz!

    I made staging site and tested. With Storefront theme works nice. No loading discrepancies. With default theme works better than on my site, but not so good as Storefront either – there is slower loading time.
    But of course it is not the same like with WP rocket in both themes.

    P.s. Maybe it is important..I found out that on my theme, if You open those subcategories in new tab, there is no slow loading at all. It is just when You click trough each separate subcategory like in video, which I sent before.. (this seems the method our clients prefer as well).

    Sending You staging site access in private.



    This is the Ajax loading time. Our AJAX requests have a timeout of 5 seconds and if they don’t get a response from the server in this time the page will be loaded in a natural way. You can disable the AJAX shop option in Theme Settings > Product Archive > Disable the option “Ajax Shop”.

    Best Regards.



    Hello, Aizaz!

    I disabled AJAX function -in staging site and in live site (where WP Rocket is used).
    When AJAX is disabled, both sites comes really slow (like really, really slow – could say unusable.) In staging site there is just recommend plugins and it becomes slow and even live site with a WP rocket product menu becomes really, really slow (just pages were loading faster, but nothing else).

    I left AJAX disabled in staging site – so You can check.
    But in live site I enabled back AJAX. So the problem is NOT solved, but everything else is fast and usable.

    You are saying server.. Maybe there should be some other configuration in my server or there should be something to add in sites files to solve this response problem?



    Hey! I will check further and get back to You.. But it seems that disabling and enabling back the AJAX helped to solve this.. :)))



    Hello, Aizaz! Getting backt to You..
    After disabling and the enabling AJAX on my live site everything works perfect on DESKTOP. Loading is super fast! 🙂

    But the problem is still on MOBILE and it changed a bit.. Now the mobile menu freezes and starts loading later (at the start seems that nothing is working at all, after clicking on subcategory, but then loads). See mobile video attached.

    And now not all the time, but is visible some elements, which have been disabled by css (sorting and etc.) After reloading, those elements disappear and product archive looks fine.

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    Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and let me know i will further check on your site and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Problem solved! But none it was none of the plugins fault.. I thought that I had every plugin up to date. But i missed Woodmart core plugin (the notice for requiring update for exactly this plugin is not so noticeable). Updated that and eveything works fast and perfectly! :))

    Only, while working on this problem, saw one more small visual problem. Product gallery photos looks fine in Firefox, but is somehow cropped in Chrome. How to solve? Sending pictures from both browsers. And it looks the same, when only default plugins are activated as well (tested on staging site).

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    I have checked your site in chrome browser. The gallery images are showing fine.
    See Screenshot for clarification:

    Check back your site after completely clearing the browser cache and check the issue.

    Best Regards



    Thanks, Aizaz! You can close the ticket 😉


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.


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