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Submenu Waiting time Issue of width

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  • #230917


    Hi sir, i am getting one issue, i have to many submenu , that’s why i need full width space, i did that , but when i refresh my website , submenu take some second to load fully , when i hover the menu that take time to adjust full width , i attach screenshot, you can visit my website . http://admin.caronic.com/ https://ibb.co/YRbtsfx

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    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable this Cloudflare loader for scripts and CSS files? https://gyazo.com/1589362f5f4fe77f2c058c504a210de7

    Kind Regards



    hi sir can you disable for me, i share username and passowrd ,


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we don’t know how you enabled so we can hardly advise you in this situation.



    can you check for me how its came , i don’t know also



    can you suggest me to use CDN, but CDN is working on my orginal domain ,, caronic.com.. i did not put admin.caronic.com , anywhere . how its came rocket loader


    Artem Temos

    We are using KeyCDN on our demo and it is working fine. We suggest you to temporarily disable your CDN and check how it works without that.



    i just text to , Cloudflare , he send me this message , can you guide me where i have to add this .

    CSS are not optimized with Rocket Loader. Rocket Loader optimize JavaScripts and you can have Rocket Loader ignore individual scripts by adding the data-cfasync=“false” attribute to the relevant script tag


    Artem Temos

    Please, disable it completely and test how it works without JS optimization at all.



    HI sir , i disabled cloudfare , of Cloudfare as you said . Now speed is more slow and… still that issue is not resolve that is theme problem sir. Menu is loading , wait 10 second and then load width , and also down have brands, they also take time to load.. plz check what is the issue . thanks


    Artem Temos

    Yes, but now it works correctly. The menu is positioned only when the page is fully loaded. Your page is loaded in 10-12 seconds because of not optimized content. You need to disable extra plugins, optimize all images, enable lazy loading, CDN and cache plugin like WP Rocket.



    menu should be load that time. but some width is load, and after some second completely load width , if there is problem with page or content , thy should not load . and load after some second, but problem is this.. it should be load full , not half, and then . few second load full



    there is no extra content , before i buy theme is good. just i put little bit content no more. also your image is to high. and i upload small size. why its not good speed loading .


    Artem Temos

    Please, do all the optimizations on your website first and then check how it works. As we said, the menu is positioned only when the page is fully loaded. That is why you see this effect on your website while it is loaded slow.

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