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SVG Issue

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  • #348933



    I have an issue with SVG when I upload it doesn’t show up correctly, also fills with green color. How can I fix it?

    Thanks for your support.

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    The problem is caused by incorrect HTTP and HTTPS configuration: https://domain.com is the actual site URL, however, http://domain.com is used in Dashboard > Settings > General. In this case, it is necessary to configure URLs correctly.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your reply.

    There wasn’t any problem with the domain in Dashboard > Settings > General it was correct with HTTPS “as attached”. I even tried to delete the SSL then changed the URL to HTTP but still have the same problem when I upload any SVG file to the website all the SVG on the website broke and some of it fills with green color.

    Please advise.

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    Please insert the credentials into the Private content below the message area. I will test SVG image to detect the source of the problem.

    Best Regards




    Please find the login detail in the private content.

    Thank you for your support.



    I cannot upload my testing SVG due to security reasons: https://gyazo.com/88b6db8ad1291a770978e65dba16d57e

    The problem is caused by SVG itself: some of your SVG images have styles that are applied to the whole page. As a result, the styles of one SVG icon influence the other. In order to solve this, you need to insert inline styles without classes.

    You can open your SVG image in any text editor and manually change styles to inline like is shown on this screenshot https://prnt.sc/loz0mw.

    Best Regards

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