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SVG logo on Header (Download SVG problem)

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  • #130267


    Good day
    I read a lot of posts on your forum about the problems with loading a LOGO in SVG format in the HEADER site.
    And still I could not understand how to fix the problem with the display of the loaded logo.
    I tried to change something in a text editor to edit the logo. But it did not give results. WORDPRESS does not allow you to upload a file edited in a similar way.
    Seeing such big cases of similar problems – maybe it makes sense to make a video lesson? (On how to fix this problem)
    Moreover, by opening the page code via Google Chrome, I see that the logo is loaded into the required area in the site’s Header. But for some reason it is not displayed.
    I made my logo the same size as the original WOODMART logo and it also did not work!


    Artem Temos


    To fix this problem, you need to open your SVG icons file with some editor like Sublime Text or default system text editor and add height and width attributes to your <svg> tag like it is shown on the screenshot https://gyazo.com/83fd36b0bb9628bb1aed2bd3d5d063c5
    Then you will need to reupload your icons in WordPress Dashboard.


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