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Swatches in translated attributes not showing

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  • #349106


    Hi, we’re using WPML to translate the site and we have a problem with the attribute swatches. The swatches we set in Greek, do not show up in the english version.
    We had the same problem with the sizes and we ended up going into each translated attribute to chek the enable swatch box. Please advise



    Please make sure you have translated all the products, attributes, and attribute items. If you have done that already, insert the credentials into the Private content below the message area. We will take a deeper look into the issue.

    Best Regards



    Yes, we have already translated the attributes.



    You need to configure each attribute item in the same way as it is in Greek: https://gyazo.com/504d6970765a25ed869a1f1dcade2ca5

    Please upload the images.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Well shouldn’t the english translation keep the greek item’s data, the swatch image also?



    It depends on the WPML package you use. Media addon, Woocommerce addon.

    Now you need to upload images to get the swatches in the translation.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi again,
    We don’t have Media addon activated. How can it be set to take the settings we have in greek to the translations also?



    This is WPML functionality. If you do not have this WPML addon, you will need to add the images and colors manually.

    For more instruction, please contact WPML.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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