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tab Heading text and bar color is not visible on product page

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  • #360817

    [email protected]

    i am not able to see woocommerce product tabs only active tab is showing how to change the another tab color and also active tab background color

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    Bogdan Donovan


    This issue is caused by your custom code (https://prnt.sc/4DEaWjQ4N13s). Try to remove this code and check again.

    Kind Regards


    [email protected]

    i put this code to change the text color of Header menu
    .wd-nav[class*=”wd-style-“]>li>a {
    color: white;

    but it also change the color of Woocommerce description Heading color when i put above code now woocommerce Heading is working fine but Header menu text color change

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    Bogdan Donovan


    Header menu and tab navigation have the same structure so your custom code will change both. To target only the header menu it needs to be updated, but from that we can see on your site you don’t need any custom code to change the menu color on the header bottom row because it can be done by the header row settings.

    Open header builder, navigate to your active header, select bottom row options, choose “color” tab, and switch header row color-scheme to “light” (https://prnt.sc/_97Yljy-o30d).

    Kind Regards


    [email protected]

    there is a space betweeen Blog image and Blog Title when i drop down the blog menu in a header section

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    Bogdan Donovan

    We have replied to you on the corresponding topic (https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/space-between-image-and-title-in-blog-menu/).

    Kind Regards

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