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tab title wpml and instagram hashtag

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  • #338853



    problem 1 :

    i have tab title in Arabic in which I cant find it in wpml string translation even after enabling wpml options to search for it ..

    problem 2 :

    product hashtag is not displaying any Instagram posts .. it seems blocked



    Which tab are you trying to translate? If it is the Additional tab of WoodMart, please check this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/translate-header-wpml/

    If it is the Woodocommerce tab, you need to search among Woocommerce strings.

    As for the Instagram in the product page, yes, it is depreciated and this option does not work anymore as Instagram has changed the procedure of the integration.

    Best Regards



    yes its additional tab..
    the only related thing in the link provided is string translation , and I cant find the tab title there

    the tittle is “جربتها ؟”

    here is the solution I found
    first you click on this
    and then search for the word.. and add it to translation .. then translate!


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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