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Tablet Website Layout Issue On 11” Tablet

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  • #336206

    Artem Temos

    The reason why the sidebar was broken is about this CSS https://prnt.sc/20y52v4
    It doesn’t come from our theme but was added by you or your developer. Sorry, but we are not responsible for any additional code you add to your website.



    I wasn’t trying to imply that you were responsible for the code I added to my site, I only wanted to better understand the reason that caused the bigger tablet sidebar to break. I didn’t know it was just because the sidebar for the regular tablet was repositioned to the left side. If I wanted to do something else in the future that required CSS, should I ask for your CSS instead of an outside CSS?

    As for one of the other original issues I had concerning the bigger tablet My Account area, I stated before that I think the layout for the bigger tablet view should’ve probably been the same as the regular tablet view, instead of like the desktop view, because the My Account pages on the right side appear very narrow in width. The regular tablet screen width and bigger tablet I have (11”) is probably about 1/2 an inch difference in width. The screen width is just too small to be in the same layout as the desktop view. I found this issue in many areas of the theme throughout the website. For example, right now my homepage main slider on top of the page, and the 3 other sections below it are examples of that. The images widths & heights are very small for a bigger size tablet, because they’re set in the same layouts as the desktop view.

    What I would like to know is, would it be possible for me to have a Woodmart CSS that could change the bigger tablet My Account layout to the regular tablet layout, so the sidebar would be on top, and the pages are set below the sidebar?


    Artem Temos

    It is how our theme works by default and customizing things like that is out of our theme support scope.

    We understand your concern about the tablet layout and consider improving it for our future updates. As for now, you can customize it at your own risk.

    Kind Regards

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