Hello. I am using woodmart tabs element within Wp bakery.
It looks like this in the backend: https://prnt.sc/yE5kbOLnxBAc
and it looks like this on Desktop on frontend: https://prnt.sc/8t4ZyJyJ4WID
The problem is how it looks on mobile version:
As you see, I have 10 tabs, which is why I use ‘aside’ style. But, the Aside style is not optimized for mobile view.
There is a horizontal ‘scrollbar’. This is not recommended for mobile view + it hurts SEO score.
Can you please help me adjust it?
To replicate, just create woodmart ‘aside’ style TABs element with wp bakery, then add at least 5 tabs.
I would like it to work like this; https://prnt.sc/4Y8dlw9bilfv
It is on Avada website.
This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by mrkenobi.