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Tabs on mobile

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  • #272363



    Is it possible to expand the description at the product only when you click on the arrow on mobile. If you now also click on shipping and delivery, it does not work completely smoothly. So I would like you to have to open both tabs yourself. This is probably because this can be seen directly on the desktop. We want to leave this as it is. Is that possible?



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom JS > On document ready:

    if (jQuery(window).width() <= 768) {
    	setTimeout(function() {
    		var $tab = jQuery('.woodmart-tab-wrapper').find('a.active');
    	}, 10);

    Best Regards




    Great! It works 🙂

    Kind regards, Jasper


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    We will appreciate highly if you spend a couple of minutes and answer the questions provided here: https://8uehqcg4tjy.typeform.com/to/IgyV2EiP

    Best Regards

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