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Technical Support Request for “Costadeivini” Website

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  • #638931


    Dear Xtemos Support Team,
    We are experiencing an issue on our website “Costadeivini” that requires your assistance. Specifically, the products in the portfolio are not being displayed correctly: when a product is selected, or its direct link is opened, an error page appears instead.
    We kindly ask for your support in identifying and resolving this issue as soon as possible.
    Please let us know if you need further details or access credentials to assist with the resolution.
    We have created a user with which to log in to the backend.
    We are experiencing multiple issues on our website “Costadeivini” and require your assistance:
    Error in product display within the portfolio: when selecting a product or opening its direct link, an error page appears instead of the product page.

    “Add to Cart” button not working: inside the product page, the “Add to Cart” button does not respond, while it works correctly on the main product grid.

    Incorrect images for some products: some products are displaying different PNG images than the ones uploaded. Examples:

    We have created a user account for you to access the backend. The login credentials are in the attached image.

    We would greatly appreciate your help in resolving these issues as soon as possible. Please let us know if you need further details.

    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Best regards,Sara


    Hung Pham

    Hi digital-hub.it,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Could you please record a short video and describe how we can reproduce the issue on your website so we can check this for you?

    Best Regards,



    Caro team di supporto Xtemos,
    Stiamo riscontrando un problema sul nostro sito web “Costadeivini” che richiede la tua assistenza. Nello specifico, i prodotti del portfolio non vengono visualizzati correttamente: quando un prodotto viene selezionato, o viene aperto il suo link diretto, viene invece visualizzata una pagina di errore.
    Chiediamo gentilmente il vostro supporto per identificare e risolvere questo problema il prima possibile.
    Fateci sapere se avete bisogno di ulteriori dettagli o credenziali di accesso per assistere con la risoluzione.
    Abbiamo creato un utente con cui accedere al backend.
    Stiamo riscontrando molteplici problemi sul nostro sito web “Costadeivini” e richiediamo la tua assistenza:
    Errore nella visualizzazione del prodotto all’interno del portfolio: quando si seleziona un prodotto o si apre il suo collegamento diretto, viene visualizzata una pagina di errore al posto della pagina del prodotto.

    “Aggiungi a Cart” pulsante non funzionante: all’interno della pagina del prodotto, il pulsante “Aggiungi a Cart” non risponde, mentre funziona correttamente sulla griglia del prodotto principale.



    Caro team di supporto Xtemos,
    Stiamo riscontrando un problema sul nostro sito web “Costadeivini” che richiede la tua assistenza. Nello specifico, i prodotti del portfolio non vengono visualizzati correttamente: quando un prodotto viene selezionato, o viene aperto il suo link diretto, viene invece visualizzata una pagina di errore.

    Stiamo riscontrando moltiplici problemi sul nostro sito web “Costadeivini” e richiediamo la tua assistenza:
    Errore nella visualizzazione del prodotto all’interno del portfolio: quando si seleziona un prodotto o si apre il suo collegio diretto, vene visualizzata una pagina di errore al posto della pagina del prodotto.

    “Aggiungi a Cart” pulsante non funzionante: all’interno della pagina del prodotto, il pulsante “Aggiungi a Cart” non risponde, mentre funziona correttamente sulla griglia del prodotto principale.



    Non riesco ad inviare i video poichè superano la dimensione consentita,c’e una mail su cui mandarli?


    Hung Pham

    Hi digital-hub.it,

    Please use https://wetransfer.com/ to upload and share link here.




    Hi, ok below is the wetransfer link with the video demonstrations of the theme’s bugs


    Hung Pham

    Hi digital-hub.it,

    Thanks for videos and appreciate your patience.

    If you are using Woodmart Header builder cart element and Elementor Pro plugin, you need to disable Elementor Mini Cart template that is designed to work with Elementor Pro under Elementor > Settings > Integrations > WooCommerce > Mini Cart Template and select Disable. https://take.ms/Ra7Cv

    In case you don’t use Pro version, there is an issue with the 3rd party plugins or Cache plugins. Please clear CDN or cache and deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Best Regards,



    Hi Support Team,

    Thank you for your response and suggestions.

    We would like to clarify that our platform does not have Elementor installed. All required plugins are properly installed, and we have already deactivated all cache-related plugins and cleared the cache completely. Unfortunately, the issues persist.

    Additionally, all product pages are returning errors.
    For example, you can check this link:

    Could you please provide further assistance on how to resolve this issue?

    Looking forward to your support.

    Best regards,


    Hung Pham

    Hi digital-hub.it,

    Would you mind if I deactivate extra plugins for testing? Please confirm me back.




    hi, you can do the test by deactivating the plugin preferably at night


    Hung Pham

    Hi digital-hub.it,

    You can create a dev site – also called a Staging platform where you can test issues, enable/disable features/plugins thus such changes will affect the main site. The below article will help you to create it:


    Best Regards,



    OK Now the site is cloned in staging on


    Now I recap the issues:

    1) WP BAKERY needs to be updated and it doesn’t update, but it’s included in the Theme

    2) Page of PRODUCER (Produttori) doesn’t work, shows always an error
    eg : https://costadeivini.digital-hub.it/portfolio/archetipo/

    3) Product Page:
    The appearance of the product page is no longer as it was before the update. The product image should be positioned at the top left, while part of the description (including the “Short Description” and the “Product Data” fields such as “General,” “Inventory,” “Attributes,” etc.) should appear at the top right. The rest of the text (including the “Product Description” field, etc.) should remain centered below. Please refer to the attached PDF “pagina_prodotto” for a clearer understanding of how it should be structured.

    4) SHOP Page: ADD TO CART (under every product listed) disappeared after them update

    5) Home Page – “In Offerta” Carousel:
    The “In Offerta” carousel with discounted products is not always displayed correctly as a carousel. In some cases, only a stretched image of one product appears in the center, with no option to view or scroll through other products.

    6) Home Page – Top Image Carousel:
    The carousel of two/three large images at the top of the homepage is not working correctly, at least when viewed from a Mac. In some cases, we only see a black background with no visible content (screenshot attached).

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hung Pham

    Hi digital-hub.it,

    Thanks for details.

    1. We have updated the plugin to the latest version on our server. You can now update it via Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Plugins.

    2. To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you provide me temporary FTP info (server, username, password, port) to Private Content area, I need to enable debug log and this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns in a more efficient.

    3. I don’t have an old version to compare, but you can change the layout via Theme Settings > Single Product > Single product.

    4 > 6. You should deactivate all plugins (except Required Plugins) and then reactivate them one by one. This makes it very easy to isolate the plugin causing problems.





    actually the last issue that we have is on the PORTFOLIO, every wine producer is a PORTFOLIO item and generates error, eg https://www.costadeivini.com/portfolio/archetipo/

    Can you help us on this issue?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    ANd still wp bakery is not active and doesn’t update automatically…


    Hung Pham

    Hi digital-hub.it,

    Thanks for your patience.

    1. FTP credentials are incorrect, please double check. https://ibb.co/wZfwCKr2

    2. You can try to update it in Dashboard > WoodMart > Plugins.


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