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Template error

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  • #75530


    Hi, I have a problem with the template. By entering an SSL certificate, the icons of the font-awesome and those of woodmart were damaged in different device views. I also have problems with the menu on mobile devices and the wish list does not work as it should be.

    Could you help me with this? Thank you!


    Artem Temos


    Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more details. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce it on your website.

    Thank you in advance.



    Well, when I see my site in http mode I see it correctly, as in the screenshot 1. When I open it in https mode, the icons are lost throughout the site as in screenshot 2. This happens while viewing the website from mobile devices.

    The mobile menu looks good when the site is loaded, but when I open a submenu, there are spaces in the submenu as shown in screenshots 4 and 5 .

    The problem with the wish list has already been solved.

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    Artem Temos

    You can’t run two versions of your website both HTTP and HTTPS. If you want to use HTTPS, you need to be sure that all resources are loaded via HTTPS as well. Currently, we can’t visit your HTTPS website at all. We see some server error. Here is an article that should help you move your website to HTTPs properly https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-ssl-and-https-in-wordpress/



    Hello, I tried with what it says on the link but it does not work. The site cambios-economizadores.mailes.co is a test site to manage the changes to see if it works, it does not have https, but the original site is economizadores.net.

    On desktop screens the error of the icons or the menu does not appear, but on mobile devices yes.


    Artem Temos


    On this website you have CORS errors in the console and you need to ask your host to fix them since they are not related to our theme https://gyazo.com/07ce7aadb5ee4d4771c452620d6df5a8



    Okay, thanks!

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