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Text menu apply blend mode difference in CSS

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  • #240587


    Hi! I want to apply blend mode in css to text menu. Please can you give me the css



    Please try adding the following Custom CSS in the Global Custom CSS area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    .whb-color-dark .navigation-style-default .item-level-0.current-menu-item>a {
    	color: red;
    	mix-blend-mode: difference;

    Xtemos Studios.



    I have a light letters in menu overlay, I try your CSS but I put the word light and dont work. I have a slide backgroud with white colors and I have other slide white black colors.

    I want that the colors of the text of my menu overlay can see in the two differents backgrounds.

    Can you give me the CSS for blend mode difference please

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    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    As far as I understand you are trying to display white menu items on a black background and black menu items on a white background which is not possible and requires Customization.

    Am I understood correctly? Do you want to display white menu items on a black background and black menu items on a white background??

    If yes then sorry this is not possible and requires Customization.

    Best Regards.

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