Home Forums WoodMart support forum the checkout/payment page width is too narrow, and unresponsive on mobile

the checkout/payment page width is too narrow, and unresponsive on mobile

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  • #366521


    i’ve a problem with the checkout page width.
    In the website is all ok, when i go to place an order it’s ok until cart page. If you can see the photo the width is ok
    Cart Page
    When i go to payment page the width is automatically reduced, and if i go on mobile the width is the same of desktop (on mobile is too large for mobile), you can see the photo with the wrong width
    Payment Page
    Can i have an help to resolve this problem?
    I use elementor free plugin, woocommerce and the features are all ok except this one



    I attack image file if the link is not working

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I can solve by applying this CSS code. But I would like it to be default without applying CSS

        width: 100%; !important
    	padding-top:0px !important;	


    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Yes, you can do that in the Theme Settings without a custom CSS. You can set the full-width for check-out and shopping cart pages in the Theme Settings > General layout using Theme Settings presets, Find our documentation tutorial about this here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    Best Regards

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