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The layout issue of the Single product page on mobile.

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  • #600699


    As shown in the picture below, when the display size is reduced to below 768px, the product main image becomes very large. How can I control the layout of the mobile to remain unchanged.

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    You can check your Site on a real time device (Mobile/desktop/tablet) to confirm more regarding the issue Or using any Responsive online tool like:

    Best Regards.



    Thank you, thank you for providing such a great testing website!
    I have conducted tests on this website and there are indeed issues. Please refer to the attachment.

    Please tell me where to adjust?
    I provided the account password.

    I am planning to launch the website in October and I am quite anxious.

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    This is the product gallery layout. Navigate to Theme Settings > Single Product > Gallery layout > choose the layout which you want.

    If you want to apply this layout only on the mobile device, Try to use the theme preset feature of our theme for mobile device only and choose the style for mobile only.

    Here is our documentation on how to use theme presets. https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    Best Regards

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