My previous install question worked regarding the files, thank you. However we now have another issue:
I have followed the installation instructions, and installed required / recommended plugins, but when you you go “look interiors” at the top right of the wordpress dashboard and click “look interiors” it buffers for a time for the index page to load then doesn’t load and goes to “504 gateway timed out” (but if you go to drop down menu and go to “visit store” in dash board, it loads ok?
As if you put domain into a new browser “http://www.lookinterior.store” it also goes to a “504 gateway timed out”
Is this issue to do with a plugin? i have deactivated them all one by one, re-activated them one by one, but that hasn’t worked either? I have also spoke to fast host and they have mentioned that i may not have enough hosting / package an may need to upgrade, they said we have currently 128mb, upload of 20mb, and post max size of 20mb…. i have checked your system requirements for the theme and it states we need 30mb, so i think we have plenty of space on this package, could you assist me on this please?
Please see attached images to make explanation as clear as i can, its the base version we would like as our main index version.
Thank You
Kind Regards