Home Forums WoodMart support forum The theme is not working properly. Demo import, Menu, header etc not working.

The theme is not working properly. Demo import, Menu, header etc not working.

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  • #496041


    I am facing some problems with this website( https://danicomputers.com/). I am a web developer. This is my client’s website. I want to use this demo for this website( Mega Electronics). I have imported this demo to the website. But the demo is now showing properly. And al lot of parts are not working. The header, Menu etc are not editable now. There are 1600+ products on the website but I can not find any product on the shop page. I hope some problem in the woodmart theme.

    I have finished a lot of e-commerce websites using woodmart theme. This theme was good. But Now facing a lot of problem
    I hope I will get a solution from Woodmart support team..

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by tikonim24. Reason: a lot of problems I am facing in the theme
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by tikonim24. Reason: a lot of problems I am facing in the theme
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    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    We just visited your website and see that it is working correctly. We don’t see any issues that you mentioned on your screenshots. Could you please clarify how to reproduce the issue?

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Elementor’s builder was active and it’s preventing me from running your design, but I’ve already fixed it, thank you very much


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you sorted it out! It would be very kind if you if you could change your rating on ThemeForest.

    Thank you for understanding.

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