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Theme Does Not Load Properly When Demo Imported

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  • #576478



    When I import a few different themes, shifts occur in areas such as header and menu. Can you please check the problem?

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    Hung Pham

    Hi Ecommerce,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    First of all, I’m really sorry have taken long time to reply you due to the weekend.

    It looks like you were trying to import demos many times without resetting site. I recommend running an import on a fresh WordPress installation. To do this, you can use the WordPress Database Reset plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-database-reset/). This plugin can be used to remove all existing content and install a new version from scratch.




    Hello, I am summarizing the situation in order to understand correctly, I would like to ask for your support on the relevant issue.

    -We created our live website in staging mode by copying it thanks to the feature of the hosting company. The purpose of doing this is to build a new site with the woodmart theme without losing customer and order data. After backing up our site with staging, we disabled the plugins and then installed Woodmart by importing the demo. Based on what has been explained, what kind of setup should we do in order not to lose our past data?


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