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Theme license is fail

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  • #625938


    Hi, The website theme license been active before, and now i reinstall the wordpress website , but the theme license is faid, but this is the same domain, how can i do now? Thanks

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    I found my dashboard account on this website, my purchase codes domains not activated yet, but it is still active fail.



    Can someone help me? my account have touble, i can’t access right now….


    Artem Temos


    As we can see, your purchase code is already activated. If you want to activate it again, you need to remove all the activations in your account first. You can do this on this page https://xtemos.com/my-account/
    After this, you will be able to activate the theme with your purchase code without any issues. Note that you can activate it twice: one on your development website and one on the production.

    Kind Regards



    If i create the staging site, when i finish design the website, need to push to live finally.
    So do i need to to when on the theme license should use to click “development domain”?

    one more question is if deactivate the purchase code on that website from xtemos my account, when i active theme on same website, is it no limit on the number of times for activate? cause i just worry if i lost the license again, when dele the staging site again.

    • This reply was modified 1 day, 4 hours ago by raychy424.

    Luke Nielsen


    1 license can be activated once for the staging site and once for the production site. So when you deactivate it for the old domain you can activate it for the new one and do it a lot of times, the main thing is that 1 license can be activated once for the staging site and once for the production site.

    Kind Regards



    Thanks, but the first question is not yet answer.

    If i create the staging site, when i finish design the website, need to push to live finally.
    So do i need to to when on the theme license should use to click “development domain”?
    What is the “development domain” use for?



    Luke Nielsen

    For the staging site, you need to enable the “development domain” checkbox. For the live site, you need to leave it empty.

    So now, on the staging site, you can deactivate the license and activate it again with the enabled “development domain” checkbox. Then when you move the site to production, you need to leave that checkbox as empty, so in such a wait the license will be activated for the production site.

    Kind Regards



    ok, so to move the staging site to push to live, it need to leave that “development domain” checkbox as empty, so to make the checkbox empty is before move the staging site to push to live or after it? Thanks.


    Luke Nielsen


    If you activated the staging site as a production (without checking the “Development domain” – https://prnt.sc/RgBw_ofSnGWa), you can navigate to WoodMart -> Theme License -> deactivate your current activation, then activate it again with the enabled checkbox – https://prnt.sc/Le2xDwtTzUon

    Kind Regards

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